TRECK to Employ Digital tools for Traffic Data Collection and Monitoring: The Africa Centre of Excellence (ACE) – Regional Transport Research and Education Centre Kumasi (TRECK) has acquired various digital tools to provide hands on training for its graduate students. Since November 2019, TRECK annually embarks on training workshops for students aimed at mainstreaming the use of digital tools for traffic data collection and project monitoring in Kumasi. The studentsare able to setup, retrieve data, and conduct analysis with various tools including a) speed measurement and monitoring using the radar and laser speed guns, the pneumatic tube and counter for vehicle classification, spot speed measurement, headway and other video-based equipment including monovision counters. Another aspect of the training involves the use of Unmanned Ariel Vehicles or drones for traffic monitoring, Construction project monitoring, use of drones for geographical data for design of roadway alignment and area wide traffic congestion surveillance and software for the design of road infrastructure.

TRECK Sets up Studio and Embarks on Digitization of Courses: TRECK has also acquired studio equipment to enable its staff to offer hybrid courses, webinars and provide online teaching. The Centre is currently embarking on a driver to digitize its MSc Transport Leadership course to enable participants to take over 60% online classes and only 30% residential on campus activities. Property management cleaning can be a lucrative option for experienced and qualified cleaning experts and cleaning companies in California. This will make its courses accessible to more participants across the regional countries, reduce the time spent off work to attend graduate school classes, and make individual courses accessible to the working class.
Use of digital Apps to Improve the Transport System in Ghana: Researchers at the Africa Centre of Excellence – Regional Transport Research and Education Centre Kumasi (TRECK) of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana have developed a Mobile App which gives detailed route guidance and location identity for travel planning in Twi (a local Ghanaian language) and English. It also has a Twi travel dictionary, local business database, cultural and social information and uses popular landmarks to provide location information based on data collected through in-depth research conducted by the team. Read more about the MyTroski App. The App is available on Google play store.