Highlights from Day 2 of the Joint ACE I and ACE II Workshop
The day (7 November 2017) began with a recap of the previous day’s activities. The recap featured the highlights from the opening ceremony, plenary and parallel sessions.
Four exciting plenary sessions were held today (8 November 2017). Each plenary session ended with a question and answer session following the presentations. In addition to the four plenary sessions, there were also parallel sessions for ACE networking collaborative Networks, performance and support discussions; and ACE help desks.
(1) Plenary session on International Accreditation and Quality Assurance – was chaired by the Honorable Minister of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology of the Gambia, Mr. Badara A. Joof. Two presentations were made – with the first presentation focusing on the activities and procedures followed by HCRES in the quality assurance process; whilst the second presentation highlighted ABET’S criteria and processes for Accreditation.
(2) Plenary Session on Verification and Monitoring and Evaluation – was also chaired by the Minister of Education of Gambia. It featured a presentation by the World Bank and the AAU. The lessons learnt from ACE I were shared with the ACE II team in relation to the four Disbursement Linked Indicators. The results of an independent student survey undertaken was also shared with the participants.
(3) Plenary Session on Financial Management – was facilitated by Mrs. Eunice Akwere. The ACE I experience on the Financial Management Disbursement Linked Indicators was shared. The Audit requirements and financial performances of the ACEs, as well as the challenges and way forward were also shared and discussed.
(4) Plenary session on Graduate Tracer Studies and Institutional Benchmarking – was the last session for the day and was chaired by Dr. Ekua Bentil. The session focused on Higher Education Management Data Analytics. The presentation by Dr. Wang Boqingdiscussed the use of tracer tools to improve the performance of the Higher Education sector and build capacity in African Higher Education Institutions.
- Newspaper Publication on ACE Workshop by the Daily Graphic of Ghana: https://www.graphic.com.gh/news/general-news/govt-votes-50m-for-establishment-of-national-research-fund.html ·
- Updated Presentations for Day 1 and 2: https://ace.aau.org/workshop-presentations/
- Updated Photos from Day 1 and 2: https://flic.kr/s/aHskwEpeo2