ACE Factsheet Download the ACE Factsheet in EnglishDownload the ACE Factsheet in French African Center's of Excellence Operational Manual Download ACE Operational Manual in EnglishDownload ACE Operational Manual in French Project Appraisal Documents Download First ACE Impact PAD-P164546 in EnglishDownload First ACE Impact PAD-P164546 in FrenchDownload Second-ACE Impact PAD-P169064 in EnglishDownload Second ACE Impact PAD-P169064 in French Improved Teaching and Learning Reports (ACE I - DLI 2.8) Guidebook to successful implementation of digital educationGuide pour une mise en oeuvre réussie de l’éducation numérique DLI 2 Reports DLI 2 Report- Evaluation of the Progress towards Development Impact under ACE Impact Improved Teaching and Learning Reports (ACE I - DLI 2.8) BENINBURKINA FASOCAMEROUNCOTE D’IVOIREGHANANIGERIASENEGALTOGO PSC Meeting Minutes ACE Workshop Documents